Moving Forward

Going through a divorce can be a struggle for anyone, regardless of how they feel about the situation. There are usually multiple steps to make it through before everyone is fully “satisfied” with the situation, and even then things may still be tense. Learning what alimony is and how it can affect you is important if you are going through this situation because it can help you know your options and make informed decisions.

What is Alimony

Alimony is a type of payment that one party makes to the other during a divorce. As you’ll see, there are a few different types of alimony that can be ordered. The overall outcome that a judge wants to see during a divorce is that materials and assets are divided with equal value. This can become tricky sometimes and may require lawyer involvement if there is a suspicion that either party is attempting to hide assets. This would be done in order to pretend they have a lower net worth or in order to gain a higher payout from the other partner.

Different Types of Alimony

There are different types of alimony that the judge may order depending on the situation of your case. Separation alimony is typically given only during a separation period and not necessarily as a result of a divorce. Rehabilitative alimony is paid until the other person can find a way to support themselves and any children they are responsible for in the aftermath of a divorce. Permanent alimony can continue for an unspecified amount of time, such as if one spouse is handicapped or if they never learned work skills prior to the marriage. Reimbursement alimony can help put the other person through school to gain valuable work skills, and lump-sum alimony is a one-time payment usually instead of certain property.

Hopefully this helps you understand alimony better. Keep these tips in mind as you consider the type of alimony attorney Pasco county has to offer.